Our latest policy platform
Briefings and resources
Briefing for the General Assembly's 75th Session (June 2021)
Chart showing state support for a single term of office (June 2021)
Briefing on the proposal for the appointment of the Secretary-General for a longer single term
Partner report: UNA-UK report: 10 ways to strengthen the UN Secretary-General selection process (June 2023)
TEMPLATE - woman SG letter to send to your Government (docx format) - ENGLISH
TEMPLATE - woman SG letter to send to your Government (docx format) - SPANISH
TEMPLATE - woman SG letter to send to your Government (docx format) - PORTUGUESE
TEMPLATE - woman SG letter to send to your Government (docx format) - GERMAN
TEMPLATE - woman SG letter to send to your Government (docx format) - ARABIC
TEMPLATE - woman SG letter to send to your Government (pdf format) - SWAHILI
Letter to Experts on Revitalization of the GA, 10 April 2018
Letter to Secretary-General advocating fair, open, inclusive senior appointments, February 2018
Letter to General Assembly Ad Hoc Working Group, February 2018
Letter to UNSC permanent members on UNSG selection process, October 2016
Letter to candidates asking them to commit to serving a single term