Who we are

1 for 8 Billion is a global campaign supported by organisations and individuals from all corners of the globe and led by a Steering committee of organisations from different regions. Our campaign structure, including information on our governance processes can be found in this document.  Our coalition Code of Conduct is available here. To contact us please click here.

Steering committee

1 for 8 Billion's Steering Committee consists of:


The campaign partners of 1 for 8 Billion are a diverse group of NGOs with regional, thematic, and academic expertise that have agreed to play an engaged role in advocacy efforts and campaign-related meetings.

Our campaign partners are:

You can read more about these organisations here.

1 for 8 Billion has also partnered with the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders and the Center for Global Affairs, School of Professional Studies, New York University on a research project to map member state support for a feminist woman Secretary-General.

NGO Supporters

1 for 8 Billion’s campaign principles are being signed up to by organisations across the world. Our NGO supporters formally and publicly endorse our principles, expanding the campaign’s reach and legitimacy.

If your organisation supports these basic principles for a fair selection process, we urge you to join our movement. Change will only come if a critical mass of people and organisations call for it. By endorsing these principles your organisation will be signed up as an NGO supporter and listed on our website, be consulted on future policy and campaign choices, invited to events receive our action emails.

Sign up as an NGO Supporter here.

List of 1 for 8 Billion supporters

80, 000 Voices

Access Now

Association of World Citizens

Cities for CEDAW History and Futures Project

Democracy without Borders

Equality Now


Global Citizen

Global Change Centre

Global Environmental and Climate Conservation Initiative

Global Focus

Heinrich Böll Foundation, Washington DC Office

International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI GloCha)

International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)

Nigeria Network of NGOs

Transparency, Accountability, and Participation (TAP) Network

The National Forum of Human Rights (NFHR)


We The World Botswana

ACHNUWFBN (World Federalist Movement in the Netherlands)

World Federalist Movement - Institute for Global Policy

Youth and Women for Change in Eswatini

Youth Transforming Narratives

Zonta International