Five principles
The selection process for the UN Secretary-General should be fair, open and inclusive, based on the following principles:
(Scroll down to endorse these principles and sign your organisation up as an NGO supporter)
[FAIR] be focused on appointing the candidate best able to provide global leadership and increase the organisation’s credibility and effectiveness. Be free from the perception and the reality of undue influence and the trading of favours for support.
[TRANSPARENT] ensure openness and transparency by sharing relevant information at every stage of the process, making sure it is accessible and easily understood by all stakeholders.
[INCLUSIVE] be fully inclusive of all states in keeping with the UN Charter, and open to meaningful input from civil society and the public. Be forward-looking and assertive in reducing to the greatest possible extent the inherent biases and privileges within our global system and so giving the best possible candidate the best possible chance of success.
[FEMINIST] be grounded in best practices on equity and diversity, including through encouraging women candidates from all regions, races and backgrounds. Be sensitive to the need to overcome patriarchal structures and 80 years of exclusive male ownership of this role.
[RIGOROUS] be implemented in a well-structured, consistent and timely manner with a clear timetable laid out in advance.
These principles constitute the benchmark against which we will measure the integrity of the selection procedure.
The 1 for 8 Billion campaign will not endorse any specific candidate for Secretary-General and will treat all suitable candidates for Secretary-General equitably.
Sign your organisation up as an NGO supporter
If your organisation supports the five basic principles listed above, we urge you to join our movement. It only takes a minute!
Change will only come if a critical mass of people and organisations call for it. By endorsing these principles your organisation will be signed up as an NGO supporter and listed on our website, be consulted on future policy and campaign choices, invited to events receive our action emails. Sign up below!