TAKE ACTION: Urge your government to support the call for a woman Secretary-General

1 for 8 BIlion’s policy platform calls on all states to only consider nominating women candidates for UN Secretary-General: we need a feminist woman leader who reflects the future we want and the UN we need to get there.

Use our template letter to adapt and send to your government to ask them to support this call (downloadable version of the letter is available below in Arabic, English, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Swahili - other languages coming soon):

Dear Member State,

The appointment of a woman Secretary-General is long overdue.

Gender equality is a core guiding principle of the United Nations. It is a fundamental human right and a necessary foundation for a peaceful, fair and sustainable world. However, the Organization cannot claim to be a champion of women’s empowerment when half of the world continues to be excluded from its highest office.

Together with the 1 for 8 Billion campaign we call on you to take matters into your own hands: help address the historic imbalance by announcing that your country will only consider nominating women candidates for the next Secretary-General selection process while encouraging all states to do the same. 

Women need the UN, but the UN also needs women. Evidence clearly shows the contribution women bring across all areas of the UN’s work. Progress in breaking the glass ceiling has not been impeded by a shortage of qualified women, but a shortage of opportunity and the limited imagination of decision makers operating in an environment of systemic discrimination.

Despite recent improvements, the sphere of international relations remains woefully monopolised by men: 80 years without a woman leading the UN, just 4 women out of 78 PGAs, 13 multilateral organizations, including the four largest development banks, have never been led by a woman, and just 24% of UN Permanent Representatives are women.  

We ask states to keep this disturbing reality in mind as they consider their nominations for the next UN chief. We ask states to consider the urgent need to restore credibility and faith in the UN’s highest office. We ask states to appoint a woman Secretary-General.

The time is now. 

Yours faithfully,

Download the template letter (docx format) - ENGLISH

Download the template letter (docx format) - SPANISH

Download the template letter (docx format) - PORTUGUESE

Download the template letter (docx format) - GERMAN

Download the template letter (docx format) - ARABIC

Download the template letter (pdf format) - SWAHILI

Read 1 for 8 Billion’s policy platform

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