ban ki-moon

Al Jazeera: Is it time for a woman to lead the UN?

Recognising the absence of women in the UN's list of leaders, Al Jazeera speaks to 1 for 7 Billion about overhauling the process by which the UN Secretary-General is selected.

States call for change - 20-year stalemate could be broken

Monday’s UN General Assembly debate saw a near universal demand for transforming the way in which the UN appoints its next Secretary-General.

Top UN appointments should be based on merit, not power politics

The controversy surrounding the choice of a successor to Valerie Amos reinforces the principles of the 1 for 7 Billion campaign, which hold that merit, not nationality, should be the deciding factor when appointing senior UN officials.

New York Times covers 1 for 7 Billion campaign launch

Leading U.S. newspaper The New York Times published a comprehensive article covering the launch of the 1 for 7 Billion campaign.  The article makes a strong case for reform of the outdated system to appoint the UN's leader and draws attention to the letter that 1 for 7 Billion campaign partners have sent to world leaders demanding action.