irina bokova

The public wants a UN leader with "the courage to stand up to powerful countries"

In September 2015, 1 for 7 Billion launched a public poll to generate discussion on the role of the UN Secretary-General. The poll asked questions about the issues the next Secretary-General should prioritise and the qualities she or he should possess to be an effective leader of the United Nations.

Leading UN experts call for "courageous" UN leader to serve single term of office

Senior UN officials and prospective candidates for the position of Secretary-General have spoken out in favour of further reforms to the process by which the UN leader is selected.

Al Jazeera: Is it time for a woman to lead the UN?

Recognising the absence of women in the UN's list of leaders, Al Jazeera speaks to 1 for 7 Billion about overhauling the process by which the UN Secretary-General is selected.