1 for 7 Billion makes the case for the Secretary-General to stand for a single term

The 1 for 7 Billion campaign has published a statement setting out the arguments for the UN Secretary-General to stand for a single, non-renewable term of office. The paper has been released ahead of a General Assembly debate on this proposal on 29 February.  

Leading UN experts call for "courageous" UN leader to serve single term of office

Senior UN officials and prospective candidates for the position of Secretary-General have spoken out in favour of further reforms to the process by which the UN leader is selected.

Historic letter to commence selection of next UN Secretary-General

1 for 7 Billion welcomes the ground-breaking joint letter to be sent by the Presidents of the General Assembly and the Security Council on the appointment of the next UN Secretary-General in 2016. The letter marks – for the first time in the UN's history – the start of an official selection process for this crucial role.

States call for change - 20-year stalemate could be broken

Monday’s UN General Assembly debate saw a near universal demand for transforming the way in which the UN appoints its next Secretary-General.

Elders urge thorough and open process irrespective of gender or region

In an opinion piece in the New York Times Kofi Annan and Gro Harlem Brundtland urge an immediate overhaul of the process to select the Secretary-General, echoing specific measures promoted in the 1 for 7 Billion campaign.

New York Times covers 1 for 7 Billion campaign launch

Leading U.S. newspaper The New York Times published a comprehensive article covering the launch of the 1 for 7 Billion campaign.  The article makes a strong case for reform of the outdated system to appoint the UN's leader and draws attention to the letter that 1 for 7 Billion campaign partners have sent to world leaders demanding action.